Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Catholic World Youth Day Sydney Australia

Catholic World Youth Day is happening this week in Sydney Australia. Catholic pilgrims from all over the globe are descending on Sydney to celebrate their faith and youth. That's great. I hope these pilgrims all have a good time in Sydney. I hope these Catholics from all over the world are happy in their lives and with their faith.

Sydney Australia

I am getting a little annoyed though at the continued referral to Catholic World Youth Day (CWYD) as "World Youth Day" (WYD.) If it were World Youth Day, then surely we would see the youth of the whole world and not just the Catholic world congregating in Sydney?

In fact imagine a real WORLD Youth Day!! The youth of the World, from all faiths and beliefs; Catholics, Protestants, Muslim's, Hindu's, Agnostic's, Atheists, meeting together to celebrate youth!

The youth are our decision makers of policy and governance in the future and if the youth today can come together as one, regardless of faith, surely that would be a great thing?

Again, I am getting a little annoyed at the continued referral by the press to "World Youth Day" when this "Youth Day" is actually a Catholic affair. I have nothing against Catholics. I have nothing against anyone's faith.

This is Catholic World Youth Day!

Why don't we organise a true WYD? The youth of this World who ooze differing beliefs and practise various faiths, get together and show each that they can all get on with one another, interact and make friendships that will grow firmer as the youth grows older?

In a country like Australia and especially in a city like Sydney, (which prides itself on it's multi culture and mixture of faiths), Catholic World Youth Day should not be referred to as "World Youth Day".

Are the media and event organisers stupid or ignorant here? Or are they intentionally insulting the majority of Sydneysiders / Australians who are not Catholics? Again I have no problem with anybody of Catholic belief. Lets make it clear though this is Catholic World Youth Day with a capital C. CWYD not WYD.


Anonymous said...

You have clearly made a very just and accurate point. This certainly is a Catholic affair and therefore should be referred to as CWYD or even Roman CWYD...

Good words, well written too :)

Anonymous said...

I hear you loud and clear here! You raise some excellent points and good idea's. A true world youth day would be an excellent event! The future is in the hands of our youth and if they can get on with each toher and make friendships at an early age, how great would that be!

One thing that is getting on my nerves is the shut down of my city! I wish this event was in Canberra!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed Pete - Canberra where tumbleweeds blow freely down the road - next time not Sydney please!

Anonymous said...

Thats Catholocists for you. they assume that they rule the world and therefore will ignorantly and arrogantly refer to their youth day as the worlds'. Then again anyone who upholds a faith is narrow minded otherwise they would be an atheist. No?

Anonymous said...

A real World Youth Day. i like your thinking there. This should be organised! The worlds future looks very bleak and one of the big shadows ahead will certainly be conflicts of a religious nature. If we can get the different faiths communicating at a young age that surely can only be a plus for this fragile Mother Earth?

Anonymous said...

I am Catholic and these comments insult me.

Anonymous said...

Susan you should re read your comment. it does not make sense?

June you should not feel insulted - this is debate and quite evidently from a variety of people with differing beliefs, which is exactly what 'Myarns' is getting at in his / her blog!

The debate that we are having would be similar to Youths from all over the world, sharing beliefs, knowledge, experiences. they will have to when they are older for sure...

I certainly think that this Catholic event should not be referred to as WYD. it should be Roman Catholic World Youth Day.

Anonymous said...

I was stuck in traffic today on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I wound down my car window and asked the driver next to me if the reason for the traffic jam was because of World Youth Day.

He answered: "Is the Pope Catholic?"

We both began crying with laughter.

Anonymous said...

Here here!! Understanding the different values, morals and traditions of ALL youths of all cultures is so important. June I think you are closed to this because you are scared... then again I commend you for trying because you obviously look at the subject title and read this brilliantly written blog.

Anonymous said...

WYD! Day? Don't you mean week! You should have seen the airport this morning! What a total nightmare!!!!!


I agree lets have a real WYD. Lets get the youth from all religions together.

This was just a Roman Catholic Propaganda Stunt(.)